DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

How to Keep Your AC From Overheating at the End of Summer

Monday, September 9th, 2024


As the summer months wind down, it’s easy to think your air conditioner has made it through the toughest part of the year. However, late summer heat waves can place an additional strain on your system, causing it to overheat. Your AC can become overwhelmed and risk breaking down right when you need it the most.

In this post, we’ll explain why air conditioners are prone to overheating at the end of summer, how you can prevent this from happening, and why it’s crucial to act fast with AC repair in Bergen County, NJ if you suspect any issues.

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Do You Need a New AC Before It Gets Really Hot?

Monday, June 5th, 2023


The summer weather is already starting, but we all know that the extreme temperatures aren’t here yet. If you have the suspicion that it’s time to replace your old AC and schedule a new air conditioning installation in Bergen County, NY, you have a short window to get the job done. Or, specifically, to call our technicians to get the job done. 

First, you want to make sure that this is the best choice. Is your current air conditioning system at the end of its service life, or will regular maintenance and repairs keep it working effectively and efficiently for this summer and a few more after it? 

Let’s approach this by having you answer a few questions about your air conditioning system.

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How Regular AC Maintenance Reduces Repairs and Other Hassles

Monday, April 10th, 2023


April is the best month to arrange for your regular air conditioning maintenance appointment. 

What’s that? You didn’t know your AC needed an annual maintenance appointment? We’re glad we caught your attention then, because this is one of the most important services you can have done for your HVAC system specifically and your home comfort in general.

Thanks to regular AC maintenance, you’ll have a cooling system that works better and at higher energy efficiency. Regular maintenance also prevents many aggravating hassles you might run into when trying to keep your home cooled down. We’ll take a look at how maintenance stops these various problems.

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Don’t Ignore These AC Noises!

Monday, July 5th, 2021

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenIt would be really great if it were possible to have an air conditioner that, when there was a problem with it, would tell us what that problem is and how to fix it. Honestly, there’s probably going to be some sort of technology and an app that goes along with it that tells us just that–after all, look at everything a smart thermostat can do!

Unfortunately, this isn’t a reality quite yet. So, for now it’s up to us as homeowners to be diligent and have a basic understanding of how our air conditioners work, so that when something does go wrong, we know to address it right away.

And one of the most common ways to know something is amiss with your air conditioner is if it’s making strange sounds. But, what qualifies as a strange sound? Are there specific noises you should keep an ear out for? Yup! We’ll cover them below.

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How to Care for Your Heat Pump

Monday, June 21st, 2021

vent-low-on-wallIf you’re utilizing a heat pump already for your cooling and heating needs, then you may have already heard the recommendation for twice-a-year maintenance. Perhaps you brushed this suggestion off–after all, you don’t see anything obviously wrong with your heat pump, so why should you invest in a service that you don’t need? Well, the fact of the matter is, a heat pump won’t always show signs of malfunctioning before it gives out. Biannual maintenance is great because you can spot problems on the horizon before they start wreaking havoc on the system and disrupting the comfort of your home.

Maintenance is vital when it comes to properly caring for your heat pump, in addition to a couple other steps. We’ll cover these steps below. Keep reading!

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Is Your AC Fixable Or Should You Start Hunting For a New System?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

white-question-mark-on-blue-circleYou’ve been trying to keep the house cool now that things are warming up. Even with your best efforts though and some best practices like an air filter change taken into account, you still can’t get your home comfort where it needs to be. Something is wrong–is it time to say goodbye to your air conditioner?

Before you start the process of a replacement, let’s determine whether this is really what you need. A replacement is no small (or cheap) task so if you can get by for another few years with a professional air conditioning repair in Emerson, NJ it is worth it to do so!

If you aren’t sure which service you need, we can help you find out.

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Have You Tuned-Up Your AC Yet?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

technician-working-on-outside-ac-unitIf not, there’s no need to worry—it’s not too late!

Summer is officially here, and soon enough you’ll be using your air conditioner on nearly a 24/7 basis. Therefore, it’s important that your air conditioner is ready to do its job.

Scheduling your air conditioner maintenance before temperatures get too high is the best way to do so. Of course, it’s more important that you have your tune-ups done consistently (every year for central systems, every 6 months for heat pump systems) but arguable, it’s best to get it done before you need the system the most. Why is this so important? Read on!

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Do Not Ignore These AC Repair Symptoms

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerSummer is moving right along, and temperatures are moving right up. You’re already using your air conditioner on a regular basis, and hopefully it’s doing its job quite well. The last thing you need, after all, is a sudden breakdown and repair call when temperatures are at their peak. And the best way to avoid this scenario is with routine maintenance. If you haven’t scheduled your AC tune-up yet this year, it’s not too late!

Of course, even with maintenance, you can still run into the need for air conditioning repair in Bergen County, NJ, especially with an aging system. The good news is that most repair needs give off symptoms well before they’ve affect your air conditioner too much. But it is a very good idea to give our experts a call as soon as you notice any of these signs, which include:

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Is Your AC doing this? It’s Time to Give Us a Call

Monday, May 13th, 2019

return-air-vent-on-wall As the warm weather gets underway, we recommend you pay attention to how your air conditioning system is running. If you’ve already scheduled maintenance service for it (and it’s not too late to do so if you haven’t!), the air conditioner will probably run without any problems. Keeping an AC in top-flight condition is a big part of what maintenance is for.

But even with routine service, you may need air conditioning repair in Bergen County, NJ during the summer. Watch for some of the signs below during the beginning of the season—they’ll help warn you in time to get the professional repair assistance you need.

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Beware These Common End-of-Summer AC Issues

Monday, September 12th, 2016

We recently discussed how now is the best time to get your heating system maintenance done. But with temperatures soaring as of recently, you may still be putting your AC system through a lot of use. And with the cooling season just about over, you probably aren’t giving much thought to repairing the system if something goes wrong.

However, as your air conditioner has been working hard the last few months, you want to be aware of some common late season Wyckoff, NJ AC repair issues you might run into during these final weeks of use. Keep reading to learn more about these common issues and remember to take good care of your AC system!

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