DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for January, 2017

Don’t Let Uneven Heating Get You Down

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Scarf around a miniature green house - conceptual view of protecting or isolating house

When you live somewhere that the average high in the winter time is between 36 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s no secret that an efficiently and effectively working heating system is absolutely vital to the comfort and health of your family. One of the most common Allendale, NJ heating repair calls we get is in regards to uneven heating within one’s home.

Many homeowners may not even think much of uneven heating—after all it makes sense that an upper floor would stay warmer than a lower floor, since heat rises, right? While this can of course cause some temperature fluctuation, you should never settle for discomfort while using your heater. You shouldn’t have to resort to just keeping out of the cooler rooms or turning the temperature up so high that it’s sweltering in one area but cooler in another.

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Why is a Clean Air Filter So Important?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

When you live in a climate such as ours that is stuffy hot during the summer and bitterly cold in the winter months, you tend to rely pretty heavily on your HVAC systems—both heating and cooling. However, too many homeowners fail to give their central furnaces and air conditioners the attention that they really need in order to perform at their best.

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Understanding the Need for Boiler Maintenance

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Boilers are well known for their endurance, and for good reason. They can last years longer than furnaces or heat pump systems, since they are far less complex systems. Fewer moving parts means fewer chances for problems to start.

However, it’s important to remember that no heating system is completely immune to problems. Boilers need maintenance on a regular basis to stay in their best condition. If you’re unsure about whether or not your boiler needs maintenance this year, take a look below.

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Should You Consider a Hot Water Boiler Installation?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

With winter already fully upon us, hopefully you have a fully functional heating system prepared to get you through the rest of the season. If you’ve found yourself in need of a new heater, however, then you have some considerations to make. You may be tempted to just go out and get the first heater you see that matched your budget, especially as the weather cools. But we urge you to consider what’s best for your comfort and your long-term budget.

Hot water boiler systems are certainly worth your consideration when looking to replace your current heater or purchase your first heater for your home. Keep reading to learn more about how these heating systems work, and the numerous benefits they can offer.

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