DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for November, 2018

Boiler Problems to Watch Out for

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Industrial boiler gas regulation and metering moduleBoilers are extremely sturdy and efficient heating systems. But this can only remain the case if they are properly cared for—meaning your boiler should be professionally installed, repaired, and maintained by experienced heating technicians for it to perform as best it can.

It’s also important to keep in mind that even with professional boiler services, there’s always a chance that something can eventually go awry with your heater, and eventually your boiler system will even wear down to the point that it will need to be replaced.

But how do you know when that time has come? Are there signs to watch out for? There sure are—read on!

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Combatting Dry Air for Your Health and Your Home

Monday, November 12th, 2018

White smoke comes out of a house's chimney on a winter day.With temperatures cooling down quickly, it’s time to make sure your home is prepared for the winter season just around the corner. This means first ensuring that you’ve had or at least scheduled heating maintenance—but there’s more to winter preparation than just that.

Do you find yourself with more sore throats, irritated sinuses, and/or dryness with your skin and hair during the winter? This is because of dry air, which can cause a number of problems. Fortunately, there is a solution, in a Bergen County, NJ humidifier installation. An installation of this kind can make you far more comfortable, not to mention healthier, in your home. But how?

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