DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Bergen County’

How Gas Furnaces Are Able to Run Safely

Monday, November 6th, 2023


Natural gas furnaces are found in more homes around the country than any other type of heating system. That alone should tell you that these heaters are generally safe to use for winter warmth. 

However, combusting any type of fuel can pose dangers, and gas furnaces do have the potential to create hazards such as leaking of toxic carbon monoxide gas and larger combustion explosions. The best way for you to ensure that your home’s gas furnace runs at its safest is to schedule an annual professional furnace inspection and tune-up and to always move quickly when you need furnace repair in Bergen County, NJ by calling the BD Heating & Cooling team. We offer 24/7 emergency service for good reasons!

If you’re curious to know more about how gas furnaces maintain high levels of safety, follow along as we look at several of their important safety features.

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Why Regular Heating Maintenance Is a Fall Essential

Monday, October 9th, 2023


September still is partially the summer season. But when October arrives, you know it’s the fall, and that means it’s time to start preparing your home to handle colder temperatures ahead. We want you to enjoy your fall season to the fullest, but we also want to make sure you’re ready for when temperatures take a serious plunge in winter. The best way to prepare is with a true “Fall Classic”—professional heating maintenance.

We tell our customers that heating maintenance is one of the essential services they can schedule for their home. Why? Well, for one, it’s the easiest way to avoid having to call us later for an emergency heating repair in Bergen County, NJ. But there are many reasons why this is such an important fall task…

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Why Won’t My AC Cool the House Evenly?

Monday, September 4th, 2023


This is a common problem people run into with their air conditioning systems. After several years of having no difficulty sending enough cooling to all the rooms, the AC starts to keep some areas cooled down while others turn into hot spots.

If this is happening to you, you’ll want to know why and how to correct it. In many cases, uneven cooling happens because of an AC malfunction that requires professional repairs. We’ll go over the most common reason for uneven cooling from an air conditioner and the best steps to take.

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How Can I Improve the Indoor Air Quality in My Home?

Monday, August 14th, 2023


Many homeowners today have worries about their indoor air quality (IAQ). They have good reasons to feel concerned: poor indoor air quality can make the air inside buildings more than 4 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside. Poor indoor air quality contributes to problems like headaches, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, and allergic reactions. Even worse, some IAQ issues have long-lasting and debilitating health effects.

What can you do about poor IAQ in your home? You have several options you can implement on your own, but you may also need professional air cleaner service in Bergen County, NJ from IAQ pros like ours to make your air as clean and pure as possible.

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Do You Need a New AC Before It Gets Really Hot?

Monday, June 5th, 2023


The summer weather is already starting, but we all know that the extreme temperatures aren’t here yet. If you have the suspicion that it’s time to replace your old AC and schedule a new air conditioning installation in Bergen County, NY, you have a short window to get the job done. Or, specifically, to call our technicians to get the job done. 

First, you want to make sure that this is the best choice. Is your current air conditioning system at the end of its service life, or will regular maintenance and repairs keep it working effectively and efficiently for this summer and a few more after it? 

Let’s approach this by having you answer a few questions about your air conditioning system.

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Benefits of a Ductless HVAC System You May Not Have Thought Of

Monday, May 8th, 2023


We offer ductless AC service in Bergen County, NY and Rockland County, NY, and we’ve seen the immense benefits of these systems. They are especially useful for older homes built before central air conditioning systems became common. These vintage homes don’t have ductwork, and although it’s possible to add ducts, running them through attics or in closets, it’s a great deal of work and reduces space in the house. 

With a ductless system, all that has to happen is for us to place air handlers high up on the walls of the rooms and install an outdoor unit that connects to them. It’s an easy process for our professionals and leaves a home with cooling throughout the rooms that’s as good, and sometimes better, than using a central AC.

However, there are other ductless HVAC advantages you might not know about because you’re focused on the big advantage of having central cooling at last. Below are several other great benefits of having an HVAC system installed.

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How Regular AC Maintenance Reduces Repairs and Other Hassles

Monday, April 10th, 2023


April is the best month to arrange for your regular air conditioning maintenance appointment. 

What’s that? You didn’t know your AC needed an annual maintenance appointment? We’re glad we caught your attention then, because this is one of the most important services you can have done for your HVAC system specifically and your home comfort in general.

Thanks to regular AC maintenance, you’ll have a cooling system that works better and at higher energy efficiency. Regular maintenance also prevents many aggravating hassles you might run into when trying to keep your home cooled down. We’ll take a look at how maintenance stops these various problems.

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Don’t Let Furnace Troubles in March Slip Past You

Monday, March 6th, 2023


When March arrives, it means the end of winter is finally in sight. But that doesn’t mean the cold weather immediately stops. After all, April frequently contains sudden cold surprises, and even June can be gloomy. 

So, although you may already have exciting plans for the coming balmy weather, it’s not yet time to forget about the furnace that has warmed your home through the winter. If your furnace starts to falter or show warning signs something is wrong with it, please don’t ignore it because of the month. Putting off furnace repairs at any time of the year can bring major problems.

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Are Those High Utility Bills a Sign Your Heater Is in Trouble? 

Monday, February 6th, 2023


You are worried about looking at your monthly utility bills because they’ve started to have scary larger numbers after the dollar sign. Sometimes you can’t avoid higher costs on utilities, but this is a case where those higher costs are much more than the usual bump you expect during winter. You’re wondering about the cause of the increase … and an idea comes to mind: is your heating system malfunctioning?

That’s a sensible line of thinking. Your home’s heater accounts for a large amount of the energy you use during the winter. Even small malfunctions that don’t cause the heater to lose any heating output can create additional strain that forces the heating system to work harder. Let’s look at some of the possibilities below. 

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Top Signs Your Boiler Needs Repairs ASAP! 

Monday, January 9th, 2023


You want to make it through another frigid winter in New Jersey in comfort inside your home. That requires your boiler to work in good condition. If you remembered to have maintenance done for it during the fall, then you should have few worries. (And if you haven’t scheduled this important boiler service in Bergen County, NJ, it’s still not too late! It needs to be done once a year, even if it’s late.)

But nothing can prevent all boiler problems, so we recommend you keep an eye and ear out for signs that your boiler needs repair work. The sooner you catch the trouble, the easier it will be to fix and the less likely you’ll find yourself trapped with a boiler that won’t work at all!

Here are some common warning signs of a boiler that needs help from our technicians:

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