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Time for a Tune-Up: Set Your Cooling System Up for Success!

outdoor-air-conditioning-unit-with-clipboardWhat do we mean when we say you should set your Bergen County air conditioning system up for success? Well first off, it starts with a professional installation. Your air conditioner must be sized and matched correctly to your specific home in order for it to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. Otherwise, you could find yourself paying way more in energy costs than you should be.

But it doesn’t just stop at installation. In order to truly ensure that your air conditioner will work successfully for the years to come, you must keep up on repair needs, and schedule annual maintenance for your system! Maintenance tune-ups are vital to efficiency, your home comfort, and even the lifespan of your cooling system. Read on as we uncover a few of the biggest benefits of staying on top of your tune-ups.

Tune-Ups Help You Save Money

It’s hard for some homeowners to fathom the idea of paying for a service before anything has even gone wrong with their air conditioning system. As we alluded to above though, that’s kind of the point! The cost of scheduling annual cooling system tune-ups really pales in comparison to the amount of money you’d end up paying in unexpected repairs, energy loss, and eventually the replacement of your air conditioner.

Here’s the thing—maintenance cannot promise to make your air conditioner 100% reliable throughout its lifespan, but it will keep problems to a bare minimum. Additionally, it will help your system operate more efficiently, which will save you money without sacrificing any of your comfort. If you’re interested in keeping more of your money for yourself instead of throwing it at preventable AC repairs or even replacement costs, then scheduling a tune-up is your next best step.

Maintenance Improves Your Comfort

Paying less to run your air conditioner is great, right? Well, what about paying less to run your air conditioner, while improving your comfort to boot? If you mean it when you say you want to keep your home cool effectively, reliably, and efficiently, then keeping up on your maintenance appointments is imperative.

When every component within your cooling system is operating as it should be, your system will work better than it otherwise would. A poorly maintained system simply won’t be able to operate as well, and you’ll notice your comfort suffering as a result.

Tune-Ups Keep the System Functioning!

We’ve covered some of the short-term effects of skipping maintenance already—increased repairs, decreased comfort, an inefficient air conditioner. But what this all adds up to is the decreased lifespan of the system. No air conditioner will last forever, of course, but failure to schedule annual maintenance is going to have you facing replacement a lot sooner.

Air conditioners are designed to last 10-15 years, but that’s with the assumption that they are professionally installed and serviced, and followed up annually with professional maintenance. Otherwise, you can expect your cooling system to last far less time.

DB Heating & Cooling, Inc serves the heating and cooling needs of customers throughout Rockland County, NY as well as Bergen County, NJ and surrounding communities. You can count on us for expert services. Contact us today!

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