DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Westwood’

3 Common Misunderstandings about Air Conditioning

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

The modern miracle of electro-mechanical air conditioning started in the early 20th century when Willis Haviland Carrier introduced an invention to cool down and control humidity in a paper plant. Since the mid-1950s, air conditioners have become accepted standard equipment in homes, as common as stoves, refrigerators, and televisions.

However, homeowners often know little about how air conditioners operate: they usually have a firmer grasp on the mysteries of a more recent invention, the microwave oven. Here are three misunderstanding about air conditioning systems that we often encounter in our work.

Although a little knowledge about ACs is helpful, you should always turn to professionals when it’s time for installation, repairs, or maintenance. DB Heating & Cooling can provide the assistance you need to get the most out of your home’s air conditioning in Westwood, NJ. There are no AC misunderstandings among our trained staff!

#1. “Air conditioners create cool air”

Although an AC fan blows out cool air, it is inaccurate to say that the system creates cold air the same way that a furnace creates hot air. In the case of a furnace, the burning of fuel generates heat, which is then transferred to the air. But an air conditioner does not burn any fuel. What it does instead is use electricity to run mechanical components that move heat from one location to another. When an air conditioner removes heat from the indoor air, the air feels cooler to us.

#2. “Turning the thermostat down lower will cool a space faster”

It’s tempting to turn an air conditioner’s thermostat down to the lowest temperature possible (60°F for most systems) believing that the air conditioner will ramp up the speed that it blasts out cold air. However, lowering the thermostat isn’t like pressing your foot against an accelerator pedal. A thermostat is simply a switch: it turns the AC’s compressor on until reaching the set temperature. The rate of cooling does not change. Putting the temperature at its lowest setting will simply keep the compressor running for a longer period. This is a leading cause of energy waste in homes; it is far more efficient to keep the thermostat set at a comfortable higher temperature.

#3. “You’ll have better AC efficiency leaving the system running when you aren’t home”

This myth comes from a belief that it requires more energy to turn a system on and off than to leave it running steadily. While it’s true that an air conditioner uses the most amount of power when it starts up, it is far more wasteful to force the air conditioner’s compressor—the component that drains the most energy—to run for 8 hours replacing cool air with cool air. A much better plan is to use a programmable thermostat to turn the AC on a half hour before you return home so you arrive to a cool house.

To help receive the best cooling power from your air conditioning in Westwood, NJ this summer, call DB Heating & Cooling. We are fully insured and EPA-certified.

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Boiler Repair Issues Due to the Expansion Tank

Friday, March 28th, 2014

The name “expansion tank” has sometimes confused people concerning their boiler. An expansion tank isn’t a place to expand the amount of water the boiler holds so it can provide more heat. (That’s not how boilers work, anyway.) The expansion tank is a safety mechanism designed to maintain an even water pressure inside the main hot water tank so that it won’t overheat.

But even safety mechanism can have problems that will result in repair needs. When the expansion tank encounters trouble, it can lead to pressure spikes and leaking. If you need work on your expansion tank to restore your boiler’s operation, call DB Heating & Cooling and we’ll send a technician to help you with your heating in Westwood, NJ.

What Might Go Wrong with the Expansion Tank

Old boilers used to absorb pressure increases with an empty air pocket at the top of the tank; however, this allowed oxygen into the tank and promoted corrosion. The development of the expansion tank solved this issue. The expansion tank has two chambers divided by a diaphragm: a pipe from the main tank attaches to one side and lets water in; on the other side of the diaphragm is a chamber of air controlled with a valve. When water pressure increases, the water pushes against the diaphragm, which relives the pressure by serving as a cushion. The air valve allows air back in to push against the water and restore the original pressure level.

A common problem that an expansion tank can encounter is lack of proper air charge. It should have the right charge at installation; however, if the tank begins to develop an air leak, it can have too much water and too little air inside it. This risks the pressure in the main tank rising above 12 psi, at which point it can cause leaking to occur throughout the boiler system. You will need to have a technician rebalance the air and water, and add more air to the tank as necessary.

Another problem is tears in the diaphragm, which will cause water to leak into the air chamber and ruin the tank’s ability to regulate pressure. If your boiler starts to rumble and the temperature gauge shows it’s running too hot, shut down the system and call for repairs. A repair technician will discover if the expansion tank was responsible for the problem and repair it.

Call DB Heating & Cooling for Boiler Repairs

At DB Heating & Cooling, we specialize in boiler repairs of all kinds. No matter the work you need done on your boiler, our skilled technicians can solve the problem. Call us any time of the day or night for your heating in Westwood, NJ.

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To Reduce Furnace Repair, Stop Doing This…

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

We’re slowly coming out of the winter here in New Jersey, which means now is an excellent time to deal with furnace problems when you might need your heat everyday. Here in Westwood, NJ, the furnace repair experts at DB Heating & Cooling are standing by to fix your problem. But this is also a good time to discuss preventative measures, and ways that you can lower the risk of a breakdown with you furnace. Professionals can give you specific advice that matches your precise type of furnace. But in general terms, there are steps you can take to keep your furnace from suffering a breakdown. To reduce furnace repair, stop doing this…

  • Setting the temperature high. Many people fallaciously believe that setting the temperature higher will heat your home faster. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most heaters have just a single setting, which means that it blows the air at the same speed no matter what the setting is. Setting a higher temperature only creates more strain on your system, without adding anything beneficial in response.
  • Neglecting to perform maintenance. An annual maintenance session will remove dirt, tighten loose bolts and otherwise reduce friction levels in your furnace. It will also help your technician spot potential problem areas early, allowing you to deal with it at leisure.  Neglecting to schedule a maintenance session will often create a number of problems that could be easily avoided.

If you know what to stop doing to reduce furnace repair, the next step is to call a service professional to help with maintenance and similar issues. In Westwood, NJ, call DB Heating & Cooling for any heating service you need. You’ll be glad you did!


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What to Look for in a Boiler

Monday, February 24th, 2014

For cozy and dependable heating during cold weather, a boiler is an excellent option for installation in your home. Boilers use the comforting warmth from baseboard heaters or radiators to send clean heat into rooms, and they run with few repair needs. If you want an alternative to forced-air systems like furnaces, a boiler is one of the best choices.

When you are shopping for a new boiler, there are a few factors to focus on. Make sure that you seek professional assistance when choosing a boiler, however: have the installers involved early to help you make the best choice. Contact DB Heating & Cooling for quality heating service in Westwood, NJ.

Here’s what you should look for in a new boiler

  • High AFUE rating: AFUE stands for “annual fuel utilization efficiency.” This rating measures the general energy efficiency of a boiler, expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more efficiently the boiler converts its fuel source into heat. The U.S. Department of Energy requires home gas-powered boilers installed in the U.S. to have a minimum AFUE of 80%, so aim for that rating or higher. Look for the U.S. ENERGY STAR label as an indicator of an efficient boiler.
  • The appropriate energy source: Boilers can use a variety of energy sources, and the most common today are natural gas, electricity, and oil. Make sure you look for a boiler that matches your available energy supply. Gas-powered boilers have the highest fuel efficiency, so if you have a gas pipeline into your home, you should consider a natural gas model. If you don’t have a natural gas hook-up, look instead for electricity or oil.
  • Proper size: A boiler needs to be the right size to fit your home’s heating needs. Either going too large or too small will cause problems leading to insufficient heating and/or energy waste. To have your boiler sized to fit your home, have an HVAC technician conduct a heat load calculation at your house, which will give you the specific amount of heat you need to have your boiler keep you comfortable.

Schedule professional installation

Professionals shouldn’t only help you choose the right boiler; they should install it as well. Modern boilers are complex and need trained technicians to set them up correctly and install the baseboard heaters.

Call DB Heating & Cooling for your boiler installation. We are EPA certified and fully insured, and our technicians have the extensive training necessary to make your Westwood, NJ heating installation go off without a hitch.

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High Pressure Levels and Boiler Repair

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

One of the advantages of having a boiler to keep you warm is that it rarely needs repairs. Boilers contain few mechanical parts that can wear down, so the standard wear-and-tear most machines suffer over time happens slower for boilers. But boilers do have a specific repair and maintenance issue that sometimes crops up: leaks. Leaking not only threatens the boiler’s operation, it threatens construction material and can lead to the growth of mildew and other bacteria. When leaking starts in your boiler, you need to have professionals fix the trouble as soon as possible.

The professionals will also track down the cause for the leaking. There are a number of reasons leaks might start, such as corrosion and improper connections from poor installation. In this post, we’ll talk about a common cause for leaks that will require you to get boiler repair: high water pressure.

Call DB Heating & Cooling when you require effective boiler repair in Westwood, NJ. We have 24-hour emergency services to solve your problem promptly.

Reasons for high pressure

Your boiler maintains even water pressure through a number of precautions, such as an expansion tank and a pressure release valve. A malfunction with either can cause the pressure in the water to mount. Sometimes, homeowners accidentally block the pressure relief valve; make sure you haven’t moved anything to obstruct it. (The valve is a pipe located at the bottom of the boiler tank.)

High pressure can often start because of sediment entering the water tank. Breaks in underground pipes can lead to dirt and sand infiltrating the tank and settling along the bottom. If this continues, the layer of sediment will decrease the available space in the tank—and this will cause the water to overheat and spike in pressure. A boiler technician will need to flush out the system to get rid of the detritus.

If you have trouble with hard water in your home, it can have a negative impact on the boiler and cause a pressure increase. Limescale from the hard water will develop along the inside of the tank. Because limescale acts as an insulator trapping heat inside the boiler, the balance inside the tank will change and cause a rise in pressure. Regular maintenance visits will help keep the tank de-scaled.

Regardless of the reason for the high pressure, it will begin to trigger serious damage to the pipes in the boiler’s system, causing leaks to spring up in numerous places. Only proper, skilled repairs can fix the leaks and the cause for the rise in pressure in the first place.

Trust to DB Heating & Cooling to help you with boiler repair in Westwood, NJ. We charge by the job, not by the hour, so you will always know what the work will cost before we start.

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Why is My Living Room Colder Than the Rest of the House?

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Westwood, NJ heating issues are compounded not only by our cold New Jersey winters, but by the fact that we have many larger and older houses within our city limits. This can create unique heating issues that some homeowners may struggle to resolve.“Why is my living room colder than the rest of the house?” The answers may vary depending on the kind of house you have.

In the first place, heat rises, which means the upper stories of your home tend to be warmer than the lower stories when you run the heat. Since living rooms tend to be located on the ground floor, it stands to reason that they would not be as warm as a bedroom or similar top-story room.

A more serious issue may arise with the ducts that distribute the warm air to the rooms in your home. If you live in an older house, the ducts in your home are probably older too, which means they are more susceptible to leaks and other damage. If the warm air is leaking out before reaching your rooms, this can cause cold spots in your home. If your living room suddenly became colder, the problem may also be a blockage in the ducts. Dirt and dust can build up, and there may even be blockage deeper in the system which diverts the hot air to other parts of your house. A trained professional can hunt down the problem and restore the ducts to their proper functioning.

If you’re asking “why is my living room colder than the rest of the house?” call the professionals at DB Heating & Cooling for help. We handle Westwood, NJ heating systems of all varieties, and stand ready to address issues of drafts, cold spots and rooms where your heating is less than perfect. Call us to set up an appointment today.

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Westwood, NJ Heating Guide: What Is a Thermocouple?

Monday, October 14th, 2013

If you’ve taken an interest in how heating your Westwood, NJ home works, you may have come across the term “thermocouple” and heard that it’s an important part of your system. What exactly does this component do?

We’ll try to give you an answer to this question while avoiding too much heavy tech-talk. If you want more information about how thermocouples operate and why they are important to your home heating, contact a professional company like DB Heating & Cooling.

Thermocouples are small devices that determine heat levels. The principle behind their operation is deceptively simple. They are made up of two different pieces of metal that are joined at one end. The dissimilar metals produce higher voltage as the heat around them increases. This occurs because of the “Seebeck Effect,” discovered in 1821. The different metal types vary based on the temperature range they are intended to record. If hooked up to a computerized system, the voltage is translated into a temperature reading. Thermocouples can therefore serve as a guide to machines that require temperature readings in order to operate.

Thermocouples have numerous industrial and scientific uses. In the home, thermocouples are occasionally found in thermostats, but not often any more. The main use you’ll have for thermocouples is if you have a gas-powered heater, where they serve an important safety function. A thermocouple determines if the pilot light is burning. Should a pilot light shut off, unburned gas can begin to build up in the combustion chamber and become a hazard. However, if the thermocouple detects the pilot light has gone out, the voltage to the gas supply valve will cease and the valve will close, preventing this issue.

Because the thermocouple does a vital job in preventing gas build-up, its failure can become a serious issue. Although thermocouples are small, they aren’t something you should try to replace yourself: you are, after all, dealing with flame, voltage, and a flammable gas. You will also not know the proper type of thermocouple to get. If you suspect a problem with your gas-powered heater, no matter if it’s a thermocouple or a break in the line, call in a professional HVAC technician to take care of the matter. Do not risk your own safety.

DB Heating & Cooling offers 24-hour emergency service, so give us a call anytime you think you have a problem with your heating system in Westwood, NJ!

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When is Duct Cleaning Necessary for My Westwood, NJ Home?

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

The ductwork in your home distributes cool air from your central air conditioning system. Without it, your system wouldn’t be able to adequately cool your home. In towns like Westwood, NJ, with high summer temperatures and equally high humidity, your ducts are a vital component to keeping your home comfortable.  Duct cleaning is hardly the most exciting way to spend your money, but it may be a necessary one: especially if you used your air conditioning system regularly.

When air circulates throughout the ductwork system, it also carries with it dust, debris and airborne particles. Good filters on your air conditioning system can mitigate that a great deal, but when those filters become clogged, or when the ducts spring leaks along the way, then dust can creep in. As the amount builds up, it circulates through your home. Sensitive family members or those with allergies may find their symptoms worsening. On a less severe note, excessive dust build-up can decrease air flow through your ducts, forcing you air conditioning unit to work harder and resulting in higher energy bills accordingly.

The Environmental Protection Agency suggests a duct cleaning if you can spot mold growing on your vents or other components in the duct system, or if the ducts become excessively clogged (i.e., the air flow from your air conditioning unit is reduced). Either way, they strongly suggest retaining a trained expert to conduct the operation. A qualified technician will utilize tools and techniques that do the job cleanly and accurately, improving the quality of your air in the process. A less professional service may not create adequate seals, resulting in larger amounts of dust release into your home. In the worst cases, they might damage your duct system, creating leaks and further contributing to the problem.

If you believe that your ducts need cleaning, either because the signs of excessive dust are obvious or you believe that it’s contributing to allergic reactions, then it pays to call in a professional. DB Heating & Cooling has duct cleaning experts on staff and handles calls for house servicing all over Westwood, NJ. We are devoted to absolute customer satisfaction, so give us a call today!

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Why Schedule Prompt Air Conditioning Repair in Westwood, NJ

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

We all lead busy lives filled with work and family, which sometimes means putting off problems that should be dealt with promptly. This is especially true with air conditioning repair. Muggy New Jersey summers means that a good AC system is absolutely vital, but unless the air conditioning shuts down completely, it may be tempting to defer a repair service call until a later date. In most cases, that’s a mistake. Prompt air conditioning repair is often the safer and less expensive option than leaving the problem for later.

The most obvious reason is to prevent a relatively small problem from getting worse. Air conditioning units require regular maintenance, just like any other piece of complex equipment. A worn or outdated part can be replaced with relative ease by a trained professional. If left unaddressed, however, that part can cause severe damage, as the air conditioning works harder to compensate and surrounding components run an increased risk of breakdown. For example, components like air filters and compensate collection pans usually only require a little periodic cleaning, but can result in significant damage if dirt or stagnant water are allowed to build up.

Then there’s the question of weather. You don’t want to be left without an air conditioner on a hot muggy day, and deferring a visit from a service technician might mean a breakdown at the worst possible time. Scheduling a visit on a comparatively cool day, on the other hand, means that any problems are addressed and your AC is functioning properly when the hot weather rolls around.

Simply put, running an air conditioning you know is in need of repair can easily result in more damage and higher bills, especially in places like Westwood, NJ in the height of summer. It may feel like you’re saving money, but in most cases, you’re just putting off a larger bill come due. For prompt air conditioning repair service in Westwood, NJ, call DB Heating & Cooling. We pride ourselves on courtesy and professionalism and our staff is on call 24 hours a day in case of emergency. Schedule an appointment today and get your air conditioning running sooner rather than later.

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Air Conditioning Repair in Westwood, NJ: Why Your Compressor Won’t Run

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

In a perfect world, you would never have to worry about the performance of your air conditioning system. The truth of the matter, though, is that your air conditioner is a mechanical system and, just like any other mechanical system, it is susceptible to many different operational problems. The important thing to keep in mind is the fact that the best way to deal with any air conditioning system problems is to schedule any necessary air conditioning repairs as soon as possible. The longer you wait to do so, the more serious any resulting damages are likely to be. Contact the Westwood, NJ air conditioning repair technicians at DB Heating & Cooling today to learn more about why your compressor won’t run.

While a compressor that will not start up is obviously undesirable under any circumstances, the potential cause of such a problem can vary in severity. One very possible reason that your compressor will now start up may be that that there is a wiring problem. If the electrical wiring that powers your compressor or connects it to other vital components in the system is not in good condition, you cannot expect your compressor to operate reliably.

You may also have a bad capacitor in your system which could result in your compressor failing to run consistently. There are 2 types of capacitors: a run capacitor and a start capacitor. If your compressor will not come on at all it is possible that the start capacitor, which gives a motor some extra torque during startup, is not operating problem. If your compressor will not continue to run after starting up then the problem may be with your run capacitor. This capacitor maintains a constant level of voltage to keep a motor running.

To learn more about potential reasons why your compressor won’t run properly, contact the company you can count on for quality air conditioning repair in Westwood, NJ. Call DB Heating & Cooling. Our team of professional technicians is happy to help you keep your air conditioning system as effective, reliable and efficient as possible. Contact us today to get started.

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