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How to Use Your Furnace Most Efficiently

furnace-jetsIn our last blog post, we covered some tips on how you can detect if your furnace is struggling. It’s vital that you know these signs so you can give our team a call right away and we can get your heating system back to full functionality. Keeping up on repair needs is one of the many ways to boost heating efficiency!

With winter really just around the corner, now is a good time to be thinking of this topic—furnace efficiency, that is. You want a heating system that is going to work as powerfully as possible, while not costing you an arm and leg to do so. The good news, in addition to staying on top of repair needs, there are a variety of steps you can take toward using your furnace more efficiently.

Consider a Thermostat Upgrade

Sure, the thermostat components of your HVAC systems probably seem small and inconsequential. But your thermostat serves as the brains of the operation here. It’s the device through which you actually communicate with your climate control systems.

By upgrading to even the most basic digital thermostat, you can see huge energy savings, and subsequently monetary savings. Even better is if you upgrade to a programmable, Wi-Fi, or smart thermostat.

Install Weatherstripping and Keep Drafts Away

The heat that your furnace produces can leak out through cracks in your doors and windows. This means you’ll lose energy that you are still paying for! You may want to consider investing in weatherstripping to seal up your windows and doors tightly. This ensures that the heat from your furnace stays inside your living space!

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

You likely already know that ceiling fans can be beneficial in the summer. They help you better distribute the air coming out of your cooling system so you feel cooler, allowing you to turn the thermostat up and save energy.

Well, the same concept applies in the wintertime with your furnace, just by reversing the direction that your fan blades are moving. By flipping the switch near the center of your ceiling fan, you can help redistribute the heated air.

Schedule Maintenance!

If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to schedule a maintenance tune-up for your furnace. During this appointment, our staff comprehensively cleans, inspects, and adjusts your furnace. Doing this helps keep your system performing at its best, and prevents the biggest of repair needs—in fact, routine maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of most of the repairs a heater may ever need in its lifespan.

An added bonus on keeping up on repair needs is that it will help your furnace last longer. This means you won’t find yourself paying for premature system replacement years before you should need to.

DB Heating & Cooling, Inc serves the heating and cooling needs of customers throughout Rockland County, NY as well as Bergen County, NJ and surrounding communities. You can count on us for expert services. Contact us today for professional Westwood, NJ furnace service and more!

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